Question 1
How can cavers find out whether there is a cave behind a rock face?
petit enfant illustrant le choix
petit enfant illustrant le choix
petit enfant illustrant le choix
Question 2
Why does Deor, the leader of the Stone Age people say, "We humans would be nothing by ourselves"?
petit enfant illustrant le choix
petit enfant illustrant le choix
petit enfant illustrant le choix
Question 3
What materials did the cavemen and women use for their cave paintings?
petit enfant illustrant le choix
petit enfant illustrant le choix
petit enfant illustrant le choix
Question 4
What special gift did Hule have?
petit enfant illustrant le choix
petit enfant illustrant le choix
petit enfant illustrant le choix
Question 5
What is so important about the "perfect fit" of Natasha’s hand on the painted hand print and why does Natasha say "I know who I am now"?
petit enfant illustrant le choix
petit enfant illustrant le choix
petit enfant illustrant le choix